= Infinispan marshalling changes to Infinispan Protostream
Marshalling is the process of converting Java objects into bytes to send them across the network between {project_name} servers.
With {project_name} 26, we changed the marshalling format from JBoss Marshalling to Infinispan Protostream.
WARNING: JBoss Marshalling and Infinispan Protostream are not compatible with each other and incorrect usage may lead to data loss.
Consequently, all caches are cleared when upgrading to this version.
Infinispan Protostream is based on https://protobuf.dev/programming-guides/proto3/[Protocol Buffers] (proto 3), which has the advantage of backwards/forwards compatibility.
= The `java-keystore` key provider supports more algorithms and vault secrets
The `java-keystore` key provider, which allows loading a realm key from an external java keystore file, has been modified to manage all {project_name} algorithms. Besides, the keystore and key secrets, needed to retrieve the actual key from the store, can be configured using the link:{adminguide_link}#_vault-administration[vault]. Therefore a {project_name} realm can externalize any key to the encrypted file without sensitive data stored in the database.
For more information about this subject, see link:{adminguide_link}#realm_keys[Configuring realm keys].