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export default {
"user-federation": {
userFederation: "User federation",
"This is the description for the user federation landing page",
"Keycloak can federate external user databases. Out of the box we have support for LDAP and Active Directory.",
getStarted: "To get started, select a provider from the list below.",
providers: "Add providers",
addKerberos: "Add Kerberos providers",
addLdap: "Add LDAP providers",
addOneLdap: "Add LDAP provider",
addKerberosWizardTitle: "Add Kerberos user federation provider",
addLdapWizardTitle: "Add LDAP user federation provider",
syncChangedUsers: "Sync changed users",
syncAllUsers: "Sync all users",
unlinkUsers: "Unlink users",
removeImported: "Remove imported",
deleteProvider: "Delete provider",
generalOptions: "General options",
consoleDisplayName: "Console display name",
vendor: "Vendor",
"Connection and authentication settings",
connectionURL: "Connection URL",
enableStartTls: "Enable StartTLS",
useTruststoreSpi: "Use Truststore SPI",
connectionPooling: "Connection pooling",
connectionTimeout: "Connection timeout",
bindType: "Bind type",
bindDn: "Bind DN",
bindCredentials: "Bind credentials",
ldapSearchingAndUpdatingSettings: "LDAP searching and updating",
editMode: "Edit mode",
usersDN: "Users DN",
usernameLdapAttribute: "Username LDAP attribute",
rdnLdapAttribute: "RDN LDAP attribute",
uuidLdapAttribute: "UUID LDAP attribute",
userObjectClasses: "User object classes",
userLdapFilter: "User LDAP filter",
searchScope: "Search scope",
readTimeout: "Read timeout",
pagination: "Pagination",
synchronizationSettings: "Synchronization settings",
importUsers: "Import users",
batchSize: "Batch size",
periodicFullSync: "Periodic full sync",
fullSyncPeriod: "Full sync period",
periodicChangedUsersSync: "Periodic changed users sync",
changedUsersSyncPeriod: "Changed users sync period",
kerberosIntegration: "Kerberos integration",
allowKerberosAuthentication: "Allow Kerberos authentication",
"Use Kerberos for password authentication",
cacheSettings: "Cache settings",
cachePolicy: "Cache policy",
evictionDay: "Eviction day",
evictionHour: "Eviction hour",
evictionMinute: "Eviction minute",
maxLifespan: "Max lifespan",
advancedSettings: "Advanced settings",
"Enable the LDAPv3 password modify extended operation",
validatePasswordPolicy: "Validate password policy",
trustEmail: "Trust email",
requiredSettings: "Required Settings",
kerberosRealm: "Kerberos realm",
serverPrincipal: "Server principal",
keyTab: "Key tab",
debug: "Debug",
allowPasswordAuthentication: "Allow password authentication",
updateFirstLogin: "Update first login",
always: "Always",
never: "Never",
onlyLdaps: "Only for ldaps",
oneLevel: "One Level",
subtree: "Subtree",
saveSuccess: "User federation provider successfully saved",
saveError: "User federation provider could not be saved: {{error}}",
createSuccess: "User federation provider successfully created",
createError: "User federation provider could not be created: {{error}}",
testAuthentication: "Test authentication",
testSuccess: "Successfully connected to LDAP",
"Error when trying to connect to LDAP. See server.log for details. {{error}}",
learnMore: "Learn more",
addNewProvider: "Add new provider",
userFedDeletedSuccess: "The user federation provider has been deleted.",
"Could not delete user federation provider: '{{error}}'",
userFedDeleteConfirmTitle: "Delete user federation provider?",
"If you delete this user federation provider, all associated data will be removed.",
userFedDisableConfirmTitle: "Disable user federation provider?",
"If you disable this user federation provider, it will not be considered for queries and imported users will be disabled and read-only until the provider is enabled again.",
userFedUnlinkUsersConfirmTitle: "Unlink all users?",
"Do you want to unlink all the users? Any users without a password in the database will not be able to authenticate anymore.",
removeImportedUsers: "Remove imported users?",
"Do you really want to remove all imported users?",
removeImportedUsersSuccess: "Imported users have been removed.",
removeImportedUsersError: "Could not remove imported users: '{{error}}'",
syncUsersSuccess: "Sync of users finished successfully.",
syncUsersError: "Could not sync users: '{{error}}'",
unlinkUsersSuccess: "Unlink of users finished successfully.",
unlinkUsersError: "Could not unlink users: '{{error}}'",
validateName: "You must enter a name",
validateRealm: "You must enter a realm",
validateServerPrincipal: "You must enter a server principal",
validateKeyTab: "You must enter a key tab",
validateConnectionUrl: "You must enter a connection URL",
validateBindDn: "You must enter the DN of the LDAP admin",
validateBindCredentials: "You must enter the password of the LDAP admin",
validateUuidLDAPAttribute: "You must enter a UUID LDAP attribute",
validateUserObjectClasses: "You must enter one or more user object classes",
validateEditMode: "You must select an edit mode",
validateUsersDn: "You must enter users DN",
validateUsernameLDAPAttribute: "You must enter a username LDAP attribute",
validateRdnLdapAttribute: "You must enter an RDN LDAP attribute",
"Filter must be enclosed in parentheses, for example: (filter)",
mapperTypeMsadUserAccountControlManager: "msad-user-account-control-mapper",
mapperTypeGroupLdapMapper: "group-ldap-mapper",
mapperTypeUserAttributeLdapMapper: "user-attribute-ldap-mapper",
mapperTypeRoleLdapMapper: "role-ldap-mapper",
mapperTypeHardcodedAttributeMapper: "hardcoded-attribute-mapper",
mapperTypeHardcodedLdapRoleMapper: "hardcoded-ldap-role-mapper",
mapperTypeCertificateLdapMapper: "certificate-ldap-mapper",
mapperTypeFullNameLdapMapper: "full-name-ldap-mapper",
mapperTypeHardcodedLdapGroupMapper: "hardcoded-ldap-group-mapper",
mapperTypeLdapAttributeMapper: "hardcoded-ldap-attribute-mapper",
ldapMappersList: "LDAP Mappers",
ldapFullNameAttribute: "LDAP full name attribute",
writeOnly: "Write only",
ldapGroupsDn: "LDAP groups DN",
groupNameLdapAttribute: "Group name LDAP attribute",
groupObjectClasses: "Group object classes",
preserveGroupInheritance: "Preserve group inheritance",
ignoreMissingGroups: "Ignore missing groups",
userGroupsRetrieveStrategy: "User groups retrieve strategy",
mappedGroupAttributes: "Mapped group attributes",
dropNonexistingGroupsDuringSync: "Drop non-existing groups during sync",
groupsPath: "Groups path",
membershipLdapAttribute: "Membership LDAP attribute",
membershipAttributeType: "Membership attribute type",
membershipUserLdapAttribute: "Membership user LDAP attribute",
ldapFilter: "LDAP filter",
mode: "Mode",
memberofLdapAttribute: "Member-of LDAP attribute",
ldapRolesDn: "LDAP roles DN",
roleNameLdapAttribute: "Role name LDAP attribute",
roleObjectClasses: "Role object classes",
userRolesRetrieveStrategy: "User roles retrieve strategy",
useRealmRolesMapping: "Use realm roles mapping",
ldapAttributeName: "LDAP attribute name",
ldapAttributeValue: "LDAP attribute value",
userModelAttribute: "User model attribute",
ldapAttribute: "LDAP attribute",
readOnly: "Read only",
alwaysReadValueFromLdap: "Always read value from LDAP",
isMandatoryInLdap: "Is mandatory in LDAP",
attributeDefaultValue: "Attribute default value",
isBinaryAttribute: "Is binary attribute",
derFormatted: "DER formatted",
passwordPolicyHintsEnabled: "Password policy hints enabled",
userModelAttributeName: "User model attribute name",
attributeValue: "Attribute value",
selectRole: "Select role",
group: "Group",