The {project_name} Operator does not manage the database and you need to provision it yourself. Consider verifying your cloud provider offering or using a database operator.
When running on OpenShift, with ingress enabled, and with the spec.ingress.classname set to openshift-default, you may leave the spec.hostname.hostname unpopulated in the Keycloak CR.
The operator will assign a default hostname to the stored version of the CR similar to what would be created by an OpenShift Route without an explicit host - that is ingress-namespace.appsDomain
If the appsDomain changes, or should you need a different hostname for any reason, then update the Keycloak CR.
NOTE: If you set the `hostname-admin`, or the deprecated `hostname-admin-url`, even if you enable ingress, no ingress will be created specifically for admin access.
Admin access via a separate hostname is generally expected to have access restrictions, which are not currently expressible via the Keycloak CR.
Also the default ingress does not prevent accessing admin endpoints, so you may not want to enable ingress handling via the Keycloak CR at all when you have a separate hostname for admin endpoints.
The {project_name} deployment is exposed through a basic Ingress and is accessible through the provided hostname. On installations with multiple default IngressClass instances
or when running on OpenShift 4.12+ you should provide an ingressClassName by setting `ingress` spec with `className` property to the desired class name:
For debugging and development purposes, consider directly connecting to the {project_name} service using a port forward. For example, enter this command:
==== Configuring the reverse proxy settings matching your Ingress Controller
The Operator supports configuring which of the reverse proxy headers should be accepted by server, which includes
`Forwarded` and `X-Forwarded-*` headers.
If you Ingress implementation sets and overwrites either `Forwarded` or `X-Forwarded-*` headers, you can reflect that
in the Keycloak CR as follows:
kind: Keycloak
name: example-kc
headers: forwarded|xforwarded
NOTE: If the `proxy.headers` field is not specified, the Operator falls back to legacy behaviour by implicitly setting
`proxy=passthrough` by default. This results in deprecation warnings in the server log. This fallback will be removed
in a future release.
WARNING: When using the `proxy.headers` field, make sure your Ingress properly sets and overwrites the `Forwarded` or `X-Forwarded-*` headers respectively. To set these headers, consult the documentation for your Ingress Controller. Consider configuring it for
either reencrypt or edge TLS termination as passthrough TLS doesn't allow the Ingress to modify the requests headers.
Misconfiguration will leave {project_name} exposed to security vulnerabilities.
For more details refer to the <@links.server id="reverseproxy"/> guide.
When deploying {project_name}, the operator generates an arbitrary initial admin `username` and `password` and stores those credentials as a basic-auth Secret object in the same namespace as the CR.