<para>Note that Keycloak supports concurrent startup by more cluster nodes at the same. This is ensured by DB lock, which prevents that some
startup actions (migrating database from previous version, importing realms at startup, initial bootstrap of admin user) are always executed just by one
cluster node at a time and other cluster nodes need to wait until the current node finishes startup actions and release the DB lock.
By default, the maximum timeout for lock is 900 seconds, so in case that second node is not able to acquire the lock within 900 seconds, it fails to start.
The lock checking is done every 2 seconds by default. Typically you won't need to increase/decrease the default value, but just in case
it's possible to configure it in <literal>standalone/configuration/keycloak-server.json</literal>:
"dblock": {
"jpa": {
"lockWaitTimeout": 900,
"lockRecheckTime": 2
or similarly if you're using Mongo (just by replace <literal>jpa</literal> with <literal>mongo</literal>)
removes stale data from remote caches and makes sure all nodes re-load data from the database when it is changed. This reduces network traffic, as well as preventing sensitive data (such as
<para>As you can see in this file, the realmCache, userCache and userSession providers are configured to use infinispan by default, which applies for both cluster and non-cluster environment.</para>
For non-cluster configuration (server executed with <literal>standalone.xml</literal> ) is the infinispan container <literal>infinispan/Keycloak</literal> just uses local infinispan caches for realms, users and userSessions.
For cluster configuration, you can edit the configuration of <literal>infinispan/Keycloak</literal> container in <literal>standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml</literal> (or <literal>standalone-keycloak-ha.xml</literal>
Note that when you run cluster, you should see message similar to this in the log of both cluster nodes:
INFO [org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.JGroupsTransport] (Incoming-10,shared=udp)
ISPN000094: Received new cluster view: [node1/keycloak|1] (2) [node1/keycloak, node2/keycloak]
If you see just one node mentioned, it's possible that your cluster hosts are not joined together.
Usually it's best practice to have your cluster nodes on private network without firewall for communication among them.
Firewall could be enabled just on public access point to your network instead. If for some reason you still need to have firewall
enabled on cluster nodes, you will need to open some ports. Default values are UDP port 55200 and multicast port 45688
with multicast address Note that you may need more ports opened if you want to enable additional features like diagnostics for your JGroups stack.
Keycloak delegates most of the clustering work to Infinispan/JGroups, so consult EAP or JGroups documentation for more info.