## Properties for CreateRealms test. This test is used to create some realms.
# Each iteration of single worker thread will add one realm and it will add some roles, defaultRoles, credentials and applications to it
# Offset where to start creating realms. Count (total number of realms to create) is configurable as number of JMeter threads*loopCount
# For example: if offset==1 and in JMeter properties we have LoopController.loops=10 and num_threads=2 then we will create 20 realms in total and we will create realms "realm1" - "realm10"
# NOTE: Count (total number of realms to create) is configurable as number of JMeter threads*loopCount
# Count of apps per each realm (For example if count=5, we will create apps like "realm1app1" - "realm1app5" for realm "realm1"
# and similarly for all other created realms)
# Count of roles per each realm (For example if count=5, we will create roles like "realm1role1" - "realm1role5" for realm "realm1"
# and similarly for all other created realms)
# Count of default roles per each realm (For example if count=2, we will create roles like "realm1defrole1" and "realm1defrole2"
# for realm "realm1" and similarly for all other created realms)
# Count of roles per each application (For example if count=3 we will have roles "realm1app1role1" - "realm1app1role3" for realm=1 and application=1
# (if realmsCount=10, appsPerRealm=5 it will be 150 application roles totally)
# Whether to create required credentials in each realm (If true, we will create "password", "totp" and client-certificate)
## Properties for CreateUsers test. This test is used to create some users
# Each iteration of single worker thread will add one user and it will add some default roles, passwords and bind him with some social accounts
# Each worker will use separate realm dedicated just for him, so each worker will create user1, user2, ... , userN . N (number of users to create per realm)
# is configurable in JMeter configuration as loopCount. Total number of created users for whole test will be threads*loopCount
# NOTE: For each thread, the corresponding realm must already exists
# Realm where to start creating users
# Whether to add basic attributes like firstName/lastName/email to each user
## Properties for ReadUsers test. This test is used to read some users from DB and alternatively read some of his properties (passwords, roles, scopes, socialLinks)
# Number of read users in each iteration
# Number of users to read in each realm. After reading all 2000 users, reading will start again from user1
## Properties for RemoveUsers worker. This test is used to remove some users from DB (and all their stuff actually)
# Similarly like in CreateUsers test, each worker works just with one realm. Number of removed users depends on JMeter property loopCount