To refresh the token if it's expired call the <literal>updateToken</literal> method. This method returns a promise
object which can be used to invoke a function on success or failure. This method can be used to wrap functions
that should only be called with a valid token. For example the following method will refresh the token if it
expires within 30 seconds, and then invoke the specified function. If the token is valid for more than 30 seconds it
will just call the specified function.
keycloak.updateToken(30).success(function() {
// send request with valid token
}).error(function() {
alert('failed to refresh token');
<title>JavaScript Adapter reference</title>
new Keycloak();
new Keycloak('http://localhost/keycloak.json');
new Keycloak({ url: 'http://localhost/auth', realm: 'myrealm', clientId: 'myApp' });
<listitem>authenticated - true if the user is authenticated</listitem>
<listitem>token - the base64 encoded token that can be sent in the <literal>Authorization</literal> header in requests to services</listitem>
<listitem>tokenParsed - the parsed token</listitem>
<listitem>subject - the user id</listitem>
<listitem>idToken - the id token if claims is enabled for the application, null otherwise</listitem>
<listitem>realmAccess - the realm roles associated with the token</listitem>
<listitem>resourceAccess - the resource roles assocaited with the token</listitem>
<listitem>refreshToken - the base64 encoded token that can be used to retrieve a new token</listitem>
<listitem>refreshTokenParsed - the parsed refresh token</listitem>
<listitem>init - called to initialize the adapter. Returns promise to set functions to be invoked on success or error</listitem>
<listitem>login(options) - redirects to login form on (options is an optional object with redirectUri and/or prompt fields)</listitem>
<listitem>createLoginUrl(options) - returns the url to login form on (options is an optional object with redirectUri and/or prompt fields)</listitem>
<listitem>logout(options) - redirects to logout (options is an optional object with redirectUri)</listitem>
<listitem>createLogoutUrl(options) - returns the url to logout (options is an optional object with redirectUri)</listitem>
<listitem>accountManagement - redirects to account management</listitem>
<listitem>createAccountUrl - returns the url to account management</listitem>
<listitem>hasRealmRole(role) - returns true if the token has the given realm role</listitem>
<listitem>hasResourceRole(role, resource) - returns true if the token has the given role for the resource (resource is optional, if not specified clientId is used)</listitem>
<listitem>loadUserProfile() - loads the users profile. Returns promise to set functions to be invoked on success or error</listitem>
<listitem>isTokenExpired(minValidity) - returns true if the token has less than minValidity seconds left before it expires (minValidity is optional, if not specified 0 is used)</listitem>
<listitem>updateToken(minValidity) - refreshes the token if the token expires within minValidity seconds (minValidity is optional, if not specified 0 is used). Returns promise to set functions to be invoked on success or error</listitem>
<title>Callback Events</title>
<para>The adapter supports setting callback listeners for certain events. For example: