A human-readable and unique string describing the policy. We strongly suggest you to use names that are closely related with your business and security requirements, so you
can identify them more easily and also know what they actually mean
* *Description*
A string with more details about this policy
* *Policy Maven Artifact*
A Maven GAV pointing to an artifact from where the rules would be loaded from. Once you have provided the GAV, you can click *Resolve* to load both *Module* and *Session* fields
** Group Id
The groupId of the artifact
** Artifact Id
The artifactId of the artifact
** Version
The version of the artifact
* *Module*
The module used by this policy. You must provide a module in order to select a specific session from where rules will be loaded from
* *Session*
The session used by this policy. The session provides all the rules to evaluate when processing the policy
* *Update Period*
Specifies an interval for scanning for artifact updates