In this guide we will show how to install the Keycloak Operator in your Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster.
=== OLM Installation
You can install the Keycloak Operator in Kubernetes environment is to use Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).
Before moving on, make sure you have OLM installed, if not follow this[guide].
To install the Keycloak Operator follow the[instructions].
In the default Catalogs the Keycloak Operator is named `keycloak-operator` and make sure to use the `candidate` channel.
==== OpenShift UI
On OpenShift you can use a conveninet UI on top of OLM.
Navigate `Home` → `Operators` → `OperatorHub` in the menu on the left side of the OpenShift Console.
Then, focus on the search input box and type "keycloak":
image::{generatedGuideImages}/select-operator.jpeg["Select the Keycloak Operator in the UI"]
Next, navigate to Keycloak Operator and click on it. Next, follow the instructions on the screen, make sure you are installing from the `candidate` channel: