These are the steps you will need to perform to get an RDBMS configured for {{}}.
. Locate and download a JDBC driver for your database
. Package the driver JAR into a module and install this module into the server
. Declare the JDBC driver in the configuration profile of the server
. Modify the datasource configuration to use your database's JDBC driver
. Modify the datasource configuration to define the connection parameters to your database
This chapter will use PostgresSQL for all its examples. Other databases follow the same steps for installation.
=== Package the JDBC Driver
Find and download the JDBC driver JAR for your RDBMS. Before you can use this driver, you must package it up into a module.
Modules define JARs that are loaded into the {{}} classpath and the dependencies those JARs have on
other modules. They are pretty simple to set up.
Within the _.../modules/system/layers/keycloak/_ directory of your
{{}} distribution, you need to create a directory structure to hold your module definition. The convention is use the Java package name
of the JDBC driver for the name of the directory structure. For PostgreSQL, create the directory _org/postgresql/main_. Copy your database
driver JAR into this directory and also create an empty _module.xml_ file.