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* MIT License
* Copyright 2017 Brett Epps <>
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and
* associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
* following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial
* portions of the Software.
export type KeycloakOnLoad = 'login-required'|'check-sso';
export type KeycloakResponseMode = 'query'|'fragment';
export type KeycloakResponseType = 'code'|'id_token token'|'code id_token token';
export type KeycloakFlow = 'standard'|'implicit'|'hybrid';
export type KeycloakPkceMethod = 'S256' | false;
export interface KeycloakConfig {
* URL to the Keycloak server, for example: http://keycloak-server/auth
url?: string;
* Name of the realm, for example: 'myrealm'
realm: string;
* Client identifier, example: 'myapp'
clientId: string;
export interface Acr {
* Array of values, which will be used inside ID Token `acr` claim sent inside the `claims` parameter to Keycloak server during login.
* Values should correspond to the ACR levels defined in the ACR to Loa mapping for realm or client or to the numbers (levels) inside defined
* Keycloak authentication flow. See section 5.5.1 of OIDC 1.0 specification for the details.
values: string[];
* This parameter specifies if ACR claims is considered essential or not.
essential: boolean;
export interface KeycloakInitOptions {
* Adds a [cryptographic nonce](
* to verify that the authentication response matches the request.
* @default true
useNonce?: boolean;
* Allow usage of different types of adapters or a custom adapter to make Keycloak work in different environments.
* The following options are supported:
* - `default` - Use default APIs that are available in browsers.
* - `cordova` - Use a WebView in Cordova.
* - `cordova-native` - Use Cordova native APIs, this is recommended over `cordova`.
* It's also possible to pass in a custom adapter for the environment you are running Keycloak in. In order to do so extend the `KeycloakAdapter` interface and implement the methods that are defined there.
* For example:
* ```ts
* import Keycloak, { KeycloakAdapter } from 'keycloak-js';
* // Implement the 'KeycloakAdapter' interface so that all required methods are guaranteed to be present.
* const MyCustomAdapter: KeycloakAdapter = {
* login(options) {
* // Write your own implementation here.
* }
* // The other methods go here...
* };
* const keycloak = new Keycloak();
* keycloak.init({
* adapter: MyCustomAdapter,
* });
* ```
adapter?: 'default' | 'cordova' | 'cordova-native' | KeycloakAdapter;
* Specifies an action to do on load.
onLoad?: KeycloakOnLoad;
* Set an initial value for the token.
token?: string;
* Set an initial value for the refresh token.
refreshToken?: string;
* Set an initial value for the id token (only together with `token` or
* `refreshToken`).
idToken?: string;
* Set an initial value for skew between local time and Keycloak server in
* seconds (only together with `token` or `refreshToken`).
timeSkew?: number;
* Set to enable/disable monitoring login state.
* @default true
checkLoginIframe?: boolean;
* Set the interval to check login state (in seconds).
* @default 5
checkLoginIframeInterval?: number;
* Set the OpenID Connect response mode to send to Keycloak upon login.
* @default fragment After successful authentication Keycloak will redirect
* to JavaScript application with OpenID Connect parameters
* added in URL fragment. This is generally safer and
* recommended over query.
responseMode?: KeycloakResponseMode;
* Specifies a default uri to redirect to after login or logout.
* This is currently supported for adapter 'cordova-native' and 'default'
redirectUri?: string;
* Specifies an uri to redirect to after silent check-sso.
* Silent check-sso will only happen, when this redirect uri is given and
* the specified uri is available within the application.
silentCheckSsoRedirectUri?: string;
* Specifies whether the silent check-sso should fallback to "non-silent"
* check-sso when 3rd party cookies are blocked by the browser. Defaults
* to true.
silentCheckSsoFallback?: boolean;
* Set the OpenID Connect flow.
* @default standard
flow?: KeycloakFlow;
* Configures the Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) method to use. This will default to 'S256'.
* Can be disabled by passing `false`.
pkceMethod?: KeycloakPkceMethod;
* Configures the 'acr_values' query param in compliance with section
* of the OIDC 1.0 specification.
* Used to tell Keycloak what level of authentication the user needs.
acrValues?: string;
* Enables logging messages from Keycloak to the console.
* @default false
enableLogging?: boolean
* Set the default scope parameter to the login endpoint. Use a space-delimited list of scopes.
* Note that the scope 'openid' will be always be added to the list of scopes by the adapter.
* Note that the default scope specified here is overwritten if the `login()` options specify scope explicitly.
scope?: string
* Configures how long will Keycloak adapter wait for receiving messages from server in ms. This is used,
* for example, when waiting for response of 3rd party cookies check.
* @default 10000
messageReceiveTimeout?: number
* When onLoad is 'login-required', sets the 'ui_locales' query param in compliance with section
* of the OIDC 1.0 specification.
locale?: string;
* HTTP method for calling the end_session endpoint. Defaults to 'GET'.
logoutMethod?: 'GET' | 'POST';
export interface KeycloakLoginOptions {
* Specifies the scope parameter for the login url
* The scope 'openid' will be added to the scope if it is missing or undefined.
scope?: string;
* Specifies the uri to redirect to after login.
redirectUri?: string;
* By default the login screen is displayed if the user is not logged into
* Keycloak. To only authenticate to the application if the user is already
* logged in and not display the login page if the user is not logged in, set
* this option to `'none'`. To always require re-authentication and ignore
* SSO, set this option to `'login'`. To always prompt the user for consent,
* set this option to `'consent'`. This ensures that consent is requested,
* even if it has been given previously.
prompt?: 'none' | 'login' | 'consent';
* If value is `'register'` then user is redirected to registration page,
* otherwise to login page.
action?: string;
* Used just if user is already authenticated. Specifies maximum time since
* the authentication of user happened. If user is already authenticated for
* longer time than `'maxAge'`, the SSO is ignored and he will need to
* authenticate again.
maxAge?: number;
* Used to pre-fill the username/email field on the login form.
loginHint?: string;
* Sets the `acr` claim of the ID token sent inside the `claims` parameter. See section 5.5.1 of the OIDC 1.0 specification.
acr?: Acr;
* Configures the 'acr_values' query param in compliance with section
* of the OIDC 1.0 specification.
* Used to tell Keycloak what level of authentication the user needs.
acrValues?: string;
* Used to tell Keycloak which IDP the user wants to authenticate with.
idpHint?: string;
* Sets the 'ui_locales' query param in compliance with section
* of the OIDC 1.0 specification.
locale?: string;
* Specifies arguments that are passed to the Cordova in-app-browser (if applicable).
* Options 'hidden' and 'location' are not affected by these arguments.
* All available options are defined at
* Example of use: { zoom: "no", hardwareback: "yes" }
cordovaOptions?: { [optionName: string]: string };
export interface KeycloakLogoutOptions {
* Specifies the uri to redirect to after logout.
redirectUri?: string;
* HTTP method for calling the end_session endpoint. Defaults to 'GET'.
logoutMethod?: 'GET' | 'POST';
export interface KeycloakRegisterOptions extends Omit<KeycloakLoginOptions, 'action'> { }
export interface KeycloakAccountOptions {
* Specifies the uri to redirect to when redirecting back to the application.
redirectUri?: string;
export interface KeycloakError {
error: string;
error_description: string;
export interface KeycloakAdapter {
login(options?: KeycloakLoginOptions): Promise<void>;
logout(options?: KeycloakLogoutOptions): Promise<void>;
register(options?: KeycloakRegisterOptions): Promise<void>;
accountManagement(): Promise<void>;
redirectUri(options: { redirectUri: string; }, encodeHash: boolean): string;
export interface KeycloakProfile {
id?: string;
username?: string;
email?: string;
firstName?: string;
lastName?: string;
enabled?: boolean;
emailVerified?: boolean;
totp?: boolean;
createdTimestamp?: number;
attributes?: Record<string, unknown>;
export interface KeycloakTokenParsed {
iss?: string;
sub?: string;
aud?: string;
exp?: number;
iat?: number;
auth_time?: number;
nonce?: string;
acr?: string;
amr?: string;
azp?: string;
session_state?: string;
realm_access?: KeycloakRoles;
resource_access?: KeycloakResourceAccess;
[key: string]: any; // Add other attributes here.
export interface KeycloakResourceAccess {
[key: string]: KeycloakRoles
export interface KeycloakRoles {
roles: string[];
* @deprecated Instead of importing 'KeycloakInstance' you can import 'Keycloak' directly as a type.
export type KeycloakInstance = Keycloak;
* A client for the Keycloak authentication server.
* @see {@link|Keycloak JS adapter documentation}
declare class Keycloak {
* Creates a new Keycloak client instance.
* @param config A configuration object or path to a JSON config file.
constructor(config?: KeycloakConfig | string)
* Is true if the user is authenticated, false otherwise.
authenticated?: boolean;
* The user id.
subject?: string;
* Response mode passed in init (default value is `'fragment'`).
responseMode?: KeycloakResponseMode;
* Response type sent to Keycloak with login requests. This is determined
* based on the flow value used during initialization, but can be overridden
* by setting this value.
responseType?: KeycloakResponseType;
* Flow passed in init.
flow?: KeycloakFlow;
* The realm roles associated with the token.
realmAccess?: KeycloakRoles;
* The resource roles associated with the token.
resourceAccess?: KeycloakResourceAccess;
* The base64 encoded token that can be sent in the Authorization header in
* requests to services.
token?: string;
* The parsed token as a JavaScript object.
tokenParsed?: KeycloakTokenParsed;
* The base64 encoded refresh token that can be used to retrieve a new token.
refreshToken?: string;
* The parsed refresh token as a JavaScript object.
refreshTokenParsed?: KeycloakTokenParsed;
* The base64 encoded ID token.
idToken?: string;
* The parsed id token as a JavaScript object.
idTokenParsed?: KeycloakTokenParsed;
* The estimated time difference between the browser time and the Keycloak
* server in seconds. This value is just an estimation, but is accurate
* enough when determining if a token is expired or not.
timeSkew?: number;
* Whether the instance has been initialized by calling `.init()`.
didInitialize: boolean;
* @private Undocumented.
loginRequired?: boolean;
* @private Undocumented.
authServerUrl?: string;
* @private Undocumented.
realm?: string;
* @private Undocumented.
clientId?: string;
* @private Undocumented.
redirectUri?: string;
* @private Undocumented.
sessionId?: string;
* @private Undocumented.
profile?: KeycloakProfile;
* @private Undocumented.
userInfo?: {}; // KeycloakUserInfo;
* Called when the adapter is initialized.
onReady?(authenticated?: boolean): void;
* Called when a user is successfully authenticated.
onAuthSuccess?(): void;
* Called if there was an error during authentication.
onAuthError?(errorData: KeycloakError): void;
* Called when the token is refreshed.
onAuthRefreshSuccess?(): void;
* Called if there was an error while trying to refresh the token.
onAuthRefreshError?(): void;
* Called if the user is logged out (will only be called if the session
* status iframe is enabled, or in Cordova mode).
onAuthLogout?(): void;
* Called when the access token is expired. If a refresh token is available
* the token can be refreshed with Keycloak#updateToken, or in cases where
* it's not (ie. with implicit flow) you can redirect to login screen to
* obtain a new access token.
onTokenExpired?(): void;
* Called when a AIA has been requested by the application.
* @param status the outcome of the required action
* @param action the alias name of the required action, e.g. UPDATE_PASSWORD, CONFIGURE_TOTP etc.
onActionUpdate?(status: 'success'|'cancelled'|'error', action?: string): void;
* Called to initialize the adapter.
* @param initOptions Initialization options.
* @returns A promise to set functions to be invoked on success or error.
init(initOptions: KeycloakInitOptions): Promise<boolean>;
* Redirects to login form.
* @param options Login options.
login(options?: KeycloakLoginOptions): Promise<void>;
* Redirects to logout.
* @param options Logout options.
logout(options?: KeycloakLogoutOptions): Promise<void>;
* Redirects to registration form.
* @param options The options used for the registration.
register(options?: KeycloakRegisterOptions): Promise<void>;
* Redirects to the Account Management Console.
accountManagement(): Promise<void>;
* Returns the URL to login form.
* @param options Supports same options as Keycloak#login.
createLoginUrl(options?: KeycloakLoginOptions): Promise<string>;
* Returns the URL to logout the user.
* @param options Logout options.
createLogoutUrl(options?: KeycloakLogoutOptions): string;
* Returns the URL to registration page.
* @param options The options used for creating the registration URL.
createRegisterUrl(options?: KeycloakRegisterOptions): Promise<string>;
* Returns the URL to the Account Management Console.
* @param options The options used for creating the account URL.
createAccountUrl(options?: KeycloakAccountOptions): string;
* Returns true if the token has less than `minValidity` seconds left before
* it expires.
* @param minValidity If not specified, `0` is used.
isTokenExpired(minValidity?: number): boolean;
* If the token expires within `minValidity` seconds, the token is refreshed.
* If the session status iframe is enabled, the session status is also
* checked.
* @param minValidity If not specified, `5` is used.
* @returns A promise to set functions that can be invoked if the token is
* still valid, or if the token is no longer valid.
* @example
* ```js
* keycloak.updateToken(5).then(function(refreshed) {
* if (refreshed) {
* alert('Token was successfully refreshed');
* } else {
* alert('Token is still valid');
* }
* }).catch(function() {
* alert('Failed to refresh the token, or the session has expired');
* });
updateToken(minValidity?: number): Promise<boolean>;
* Clears authentication state, including tokens. This can be useful if
* the application has detected the session was expired, for example if
* updating token fails. Invoking this results in Keycloak#onAuthLogout
* callback listener being invoked.
clearToken(): void;
* Returns true if the token has the given realm role.
* @param role A realm role name.
hasRealmRole(role: string): boolean;
* Returns true if the token has the given role for the resource.
* @param role A role name.
* @param resource If not specified, `clientId` is used.
hasResourceRole(role: string, resource?: string): boolean;
* Loads the user's profile.
* @returns A promise to set functions to be invoked on success or error.
loadUserProfile(): Promise<KeycloakProfile>;
* @private Undocumented.
loadUserInfo(): Promise<{}>;
export default Keycloak;
* @deprecated The 'Keycloak' namespace is deprecated, use named imports instead.
export as namespace Keycloak;