New clients do not have built-in mappers but they can inherit some mappers from client scopes. See the <<_client_scopes, client scopes section>> for more details.
Protocol mappers map items (such as an email address, for example) to
a specific claim in the identity and access token. The function of a mapper should be self-explanatory from its name. You add pre-configured mappers by clicking *Add Builtin*.
Each mapper has a set of common settings. Additional settings are available, depending on the mapper type. Click *Edit* next to a mapper to access the configuration screen to adjust these settings.
You can use most OIDC mappers to control where the claim gets placed. You opt to include or exclude the claim from the _id_ and _access_ tokens by adjusting the *Add to ID token* and *Add to access token* switches.
Mapper implementations have _priority order_. _Priority order_ is not the configuration property of the mapper. It is the property of the concrete implementation of the mapper.
Mappers are sorted by the order in the list of mappers. The changes in the token or assertion are applied in that order with the lowest applying first. Therefore, the implementations that are dependent on other implementations are processed in the necessary order.
User session details are defined using mappers and are automatically included when you use or enable a feature on a client. Click *Add builtin* to include session details.
Use the *Script Mapper* to map claims to tokens by running user-defined JavaScript code. For more details about deploying scripts to the server, see link:{developerguide_jsproviders_link}[{developerguide_jsproviders_name}].