The testsuite is executed with JPA model implementation with data saved in H2 database by default. To run testsuite with Mongo model, just add property `-Dkeycloak.realm.provider=mongo` when executing it.
This single property will cause that mongo will be used for realm-model, user-model and audit.
The Keycloak test server can load resources directly from the filesystem instead of the classpath. This allows editing html, styles and updating images without restarting the server. To make the server use resources from the filesystem start with:
mvn exec:java -Pkeycloak-server -Dresources
You can also specify the theme directory used by the server with:
By default it's using database `keycloak` on localhost/27017 and it uses already existing data from this DB (no cleanup of existing data during bootstrap). Assumption is that you already have DB running on localhost/27017 . Use system properties to configure things differently:
Note that if you are using Mongo model, it would mean that Mongo will be used for audit as well. You may need to use audit related properties for configuration of Mongo if you want to override default ones (For example, keycloak.audit.mongo.port etc)
To start a ApacheDS based LDAP server for testing LDAP sending run:
mvn exec:java -Pldap
There are additional system properties you can use to configure (See EmbeddedServersFactory class for details). Once done, you can create LDAP Federation provider
in Keycloak admin console with the settings like:
Vendor: Other
Connection URL: ldap://localhost:10389
Base DN: dc=keycloak,dc=org
User DN Suffix: ou=People,dc=keycloak,dc=org
Bind DN: uid=admin,ou=system
Bind credential: secret
Kerberos server
To start a ApacheDS based Kerberos server for testing Kerberos + LDAP sending run:
mvn exec:java -Pkerberos
There are additional system properties you can use to configure (See EmbeddedServersFactory class for details). Once done, you can create LDAP Federation provider
in Keycloak admin console with same settings like mentioned in previous LDAP section. And you can enable Kerberos with the settings like: