If you have installed the RH-SSO Client adapters Maven Repository using a ZIP file downloaded from the link:https://access.redhat.com/[Red Hat Customer Portal], it may also need to be patched.
The RH-SSO Client adapters Maven Repository is available online or as a downloaded ZIP file. If you use the publicly hosted online Maven repository, updates are automatically applied, and no action is required to update it. However, if you installed the Maven repository locally using the ZIP file, you are responsible for applying updates to the repository.
Whenever a cumulative patch is released for RH-SSO, a corresponding patch is provided for the RH-SSO Client adapters Maven Repository. This patch is available in the form of an incremental ZIP file that is unzipped into the existing local repository. It does not overwrite or remove any existing files, so there is no rollback requirement.
. Find `Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.x.y Client adapters Incremental Maven Repository` from the list, where `x.y` match the cumulative patch number you want to update to. Select *Download*.
. Locate the path to your RH-SSO Client adapters Maven Repository. This is referred to in the commands below as `RH-SSO_MAVEN_REPOSITORY_PATH`. Unzip the downloaded Maven patch file directly into this directory, like this:
.. For Red Hat Enterprise Linux, open a terminal and run the following command, replacing the values for the cumulative patch number and your Maven repository path: