WARNING: {{book.project.name}} is not set up by default to handle SSL/HTTPS.
It is highly recommended that you either enable SSL on the {{book.project.name}} server itself or on a reverse proxy in front of the {{book.project.name}} server.
{{book.project.name}} can run out of the box without SSL/HTTPS so long as you stick to private IP addresses like localhost,, 10.0.x.x, 192.168.x.x, and 172..16.x.x.
If you try to access {{book.project.name}} out of the box via a non-private IP address you will get an error.
This default behavior is defined by the SSL/HTTPS mode of each {{book.project.name}} realm. This is discussed in more detail in the
link:{{book.adminguide.link}}[{{book.adminguide.name}}], but let's give some context and a brief overview of these modes.
{{book.project.name}} can run out of the box without SSL so long as you stick to private IP addresses like `localhost`, ``, `10.0.x.x`, `192.168.x.x`, and `172..16.x.x`.
To enable SSL/HTTPS in this deployment scenario, it is important that you make sure your reverse proxy sets the `X-Forwarded-For` and `X-Forwarded-Proto` headers on the requests made to {{book.project.name}}.
To make sure that {{book.project.name}} honors these headers, you need to enable the `proxy-address-forwarding` setting of the {{book.project.name}} http connector in {{book.project.name}} configuration.
Assuming that your reverse proxy doesn't use port 8443 for SSL you also need to configure what port http traffic is redirected to.
. Open _standalone.xml_, _standalone-ha.xml_, or _domain.xml_ file (depends on your <<fake/../../operating-mode.adoc#_operating-mode, operating mode>>).
In order to allow HTTPS connections, you need to obtain a self signed or third-party signed certificate and import it into a Java keystore before you can enable HTTPS in the web container you are deploying the {{book.project.name}} Server to.
In development, you will probably not have a third party signed certificate available to test a {{book.project.name}} deployment so you'll need to generate a self-signed one
using the `keytool` utility that comes with the Java JDK.
First step is to move the keystore file to the _configuration/_ directory of your deployment and to edit the _standalone.xml_, _standalone-ha.xml_ or _domain.xml_ file to use