* Add `/WEB-INF/keycloak.json` with your {{book.project.name}} configuration. The format of this config file is described
in the <<fake/../../java-adapter-config.adoc#_java_adapter_config,Java Adapters Config>> section.
* Make sure your WAR imports `org.keycloak.adapters.jetty` and maybe some more packages in `META-INF/MANIFEST.MF` file in header `Import-Package`. It's
recommended to use `maven-bundle-plugin` in your project to properly generate OSGI headers in manifest.
Note that "*" resolution for package doesn't import `org.keycloak.adapters.jetty` package
as it's not used by application or Blueprint or Spring descriptor, but it's used just in `jetty-web.xml` file. So list of the packages to import may look like this: