= Added iss parameter to OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect Authentication Response
RFC 9207 OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Issuer Identification specification adds the parameter `iss` in the OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect Authentication Response for realizing secure authorization responses.
In past releases, we did not have this parameter, but now {project_name} adds this parameter by default, as required by the specification.
However, some OpenID Connect / OAuth2 adapters, and especially older {project_name} adapters, may have issues with this new parameter.
For example, the parameter will be always present in the browser URL after successful authentication to the client application.
In these cases, it may be useful to disable adding the `iss` parameter to the authentication response. This can be done
for the particular client in the {project_name} Admin console, in client details in the section with `OpenID Connect Compatibility Modes`,
described in <<_compatibility_with_older_adapters>>. Dedicated `Exclude Issuer From Authentication Response` switch exists,
which can be turned on to prevent adding the `iss` parameter to the authentication response.
= Language files for themes default to UTF-8 encoding
This release now follows the standard mechanisms of Java and later, which assumes resource bundle files to be encoded in UTF-8.
Previous versions of Keycloak supported specifying the encoding in the first line with a comment like `# encoding: UTF-8`, which is no longer supported and is ignored.
Message properties files for themes are now read in UTF-8 encoding, with an automatic fallback to ISO-8859-1 encoding.
If you are using a different encoding, convert the files to UTF-8.
In this version we want to introduce a toggle to hide/show password inputs.
.Affected pages:
- login.ftl
- login-password.ftl
- login-update-password.ftl
- register.ftl
- register-user-profile.ftl
In general all `<input type="password" name="password" />` are encapsulated within a div now. The input element is followed by a button which toggles the visibility of the password input.
When running on OpenShift, with ingress enabled, and with the spec.ingress.classname set to openshift-default, you may leave the spec.hostname.hostname unpopulated in the Keycloak CR.
The operator will assign a default hostname to the stored version of the CR similar to what would be created by an OpenShift Route without an explicit host - that is ingress-namespace.appsDomain
If the appsDomain changes, or should you need a different hostname for any reason, then update the Keycloak CR.