{project_name} mainly addresses use cases for authentication of web applications; however, if your other web services and applications are protected
with {project_name}, protecting non-web administration services such as SSH with {project_name} credentials is a best pracrice. You can do this using the JAAS login module, which allows remote connection to {project_name} and verifies credentials based on
. In {project_name} create a client (for example, `ssh-jmx-admin-client`), which will be used for SSH authentication.
This client needs to have `Direct Access Grants Enabled` selected to `On`.
. In the `$FUSE_HOME/etc/org.apache.karaf.shell.cfg` file, update or specify this property:
. Add the `$FUSE_HOME/etc/keycloak-direct-access.json` file with content similar to the following (based on your environment and {project_name} client settings):
This file specifies the client application configuration, which is used by JAAS DirectAccessGrantsLoginModule from the `keycloak` JAAS realm for SSH authentication.
. Start Fuse and install the `keycloak` JAAS realm. The easiest way is to install the `keycloak-jaas` feature, which has the JAAS realm predefined. You can override the feature's predefined realm by using your own `keycloak` JAAS realm with higher ranking. For details see the https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_fuse/7.2/html-single/apache_karaf_security_guide/index#ESBSecureContainer[JBoss Fuse documentation].
NOTE: On some later operating systems, you might also need to use the SSH command's -o option `-o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss` because later SSH clients do not allow use of the `ssh-dss` algorithm, by default. However, by default, it is currently used in {fuse7Version}.
Note that the user needs to have realm role `admin` to perform all operations or another role to perform a subset of operations (for example, the *viewer* role that restricts the user to run only read-only Karaf commands). The available roles are configured in `$FUSE_HOME/etc/org.apache.karaf.shell.cfg` or `$FUSE_HOME/etc/system.properties`.
JMX authentication might be necessary if you want to use jconsole or another external tool to remotely connect to JMX through RMI. Otherwise it might be better to use hawt.io/jolokia, since the jolokia agent is installed in hawt.io by default. For more details see <<_fuse7_hawtio,Hawtio Admin Console>>.