# frozen_string_literal: true
require "scimitar"
module Scim
class ScimV2::UsersController < Scimitar::ActiveRecordBackedResourcesController
protect_from_forgery with: :null_session
# We check for the plugin here manually as we do not inherit from Discourse's ApplicationController
# and do not have access to requires_plugin
before_action do
if plugin = Discourse.plugins_by_name[DiscourseScim::PLUGIN_NAME]
raise PluginDisabled.new if !plugin.enabled?
elsif Rails.env.test?
raise "Required plugin '#{DiscourseScim::PLUGIN_NAME}' not found. The string passed to requires_plugin should match the plugin's name at the top of plugin.rb"
Rails.logger.warn("Required plugin '#{DiscourseScim::PLUGIN_NAME}' not found")
def storage_class
def storage_scope
User.all # Or e.g. "User.where(is_deleted: false)" - whatever base scope you require